Monday, January 14, 2013

Subtle Body- is there a necessity?

I know I have a body of flesh and bones. I don't see or percieve any other body other than this material body. Should I need one?

Various siddhandhic tradition prescribe a subtle body and Karmic body. Karmic body is also called seed body.
The seed body is to take birth, and the subtle body is the one that carries the sensory perceptions and to record the karma.

Science has discovered only matter and energy. All matter we know of made up of the atoms tabulated in the Mendelevian Periodic Table. All the energy we know of are the Strong, Weak,EM and the Gravity. But we have no clue for the existance of subtle body.
Will some one give me clue or personal experience or scientific proof? I seek both for and against these esoteric bodies.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Subtle Body- is there a necessity?

I know I have a body of flesh and bones. I don't see or percieve any other body other than this material body. Should I need one?

Various siddhandhic tradition prescribe a subtle body and Karmic body. Karmic body is also called seed body.
The seed body is to take birth, and the subtle body is the one that carries the sensory perceptions and to record the karma.

Science has discovered only matter and energy. All matter we know of made up of the atoms tabulated in the Mendelevian Periodic Table. All the energy we know of are the Strong, Weak,EM and the Gravity. But we have no clue for the existance of subtle body.
Will some one give me clue or personal experience or scientific proof? I seek both for and against these esoteric bodies.